Web Legal Aid

A lawyer at your disposal


Explain us the harassment you experienced online, be as detailed as possible. Send us all the documentation you possess. Any evidence can be useful. Our team of lawyers will evaluate the case and will examine the documentation submitted.


If the case is legally relevant, one of our qualified attorneys will confirm you by email his/her availability to draw up an opinion. At this point the lawyer is appointed and the legal advice can be issued. You can make the payment.


Our lawyer issues the legal opinion, stating: the description of your case, the criminal charges your harasser can be sued for, the legal proceedings you can initiate against him/her.

Il Nostro Staff

A pool of highly specialised lawyers is at your disposal.

All of them joined the professional register and have been chosen for their expertise in cybercrime. For each kind of crime there is a qualified attorney.

Our service is provided worldwide.

Our lawyers have been selected for their geographical competency. Therefore, we are able to provide you a legal opinion complying with local laws and jurisdiction

What we guarantee :

  • Celerity

  • Confidance

  • Reliability

  • Expertise

  • Protection

  • Effectiveness…

Internet cannot and should not be considered as a law free zone, but as another place in which people express and develop their personality. Hence, it needs appropriate regulation to guarantee those protective measures each jurisdiction establishes.

If you have experienced, or are experiencing, online harassment through social networks, do not allow the responsible to exploit your fear and inexperience.

You only need 150€ and a qualified lawyer, specialised in the cybercrime you are experiencing, will be appointed for you.